
10/31/14, Farmington, MN., average 38 CPM

10/31/14, Frontier, MI., average 175 CPM

10/30/14, Frontier, MI., average 27 CPM

100 minute test from this afternoon. Sunny, 42 F {6C} Pretty ordinary except for the first {7 cycle} spike. Avg. 0.12.

10/28/14, Frontier, MI., average 37 CPM

Oct 27th, 014, eastern Ont. Geiger at the kitchen window open an inch. Weather says my winds are from the NE. Down a notch to 0.12 microsieverts/hr

10/26/14, Farmington, MN., average 52 CPM

Oct 25th 014 eastern Ont. 1 hr air test. Kitchen window open a couple inches. High 0.42. Avg. my normal 0.13 microsieverts/hr

10/25/14, Farmington, MN., average 43 CPM

10/24/14, Farmington, MN., average 58 CPM

Oct 23rd, 014 eastern Ont. 70 minute air test. Avg. is down a notch {Yeah!!} at 0.12 microsieverts/hr

10/21/14, Farmington, MN., average 47 CPM

Oct 21st 1 hr air test with geiger at open window, eastern Ont. Spikey. Still drizzling outside although it's much lower this morning {the 4th day of rain here} Rain swipe is in the 0.25-0.30 range.

10/20/14, Farmington, MN., average 48 CPM

10/19/14, Farmington, MN., average 46 CPM

10/18/14, Farmington, MN., average 42 CPM

Oct 18th, 014, one hour air test in eastern Ont. Winds from the west today. 44 F {7 C}. Avg. 0.14. Up a notch from my normal.

Oct 16th, 014, eastern Ont. 70 minute air test. Noon-1:10 pm. 406 cycles High 0.63, low 0.07, Normal Avg. 0.13 microsieverts/hr.

10/14/14, Frontier, MI., average 31 CPM

10/13/14, Seacoast, NH., average 0.12 µSv/h

10/12/14, Farmington, MN., average 41 CPM

10/12/14, Seacoast, NH., average 0.13 µSv/h

10/10/14, Farmington, MN., average 46 CPM

10/09/14, Farmington, MN., average 39 CPM

10/07/14, Farmington, MN. average 40 CPM

10/07/14, Frontier, MI., average 37 CPM

Oct 7th 014, eastern Ont. 1 hr outdoor air test broke all my old records {3 years} High, a whopping 1.21 microsieverts/hr

10/05/14, Frontier, MI., average 27 CPM

10/05/14, Seacoast, NH., average 0.12 µSv/hr

10/03/14, Farmington, MN., average 40 CPM

10/03/14, Frontier, MI., average 38 CPM

10/02/14, Farmington, MN., average 40 CPM